Wanna Skip The Lines?
For some, waiting on the long lines at Joe’s Dairy Bar and Grill is part of the fun. We’re on our third generation of customer base, and word’s gotten around about us. But, to be fair…
For others, they say to themselves, “I drive by, I see the long lines and say…forget it. I never hit that place at the right time.”
For us? That’s a shame. We don’t like to leave the more fastidious foodies hanging like that. Not our style. So….
Not only are we open year-round and we all but guarantee that the lines are barely ever there from, say, November through February (if you’re insisting on going in person and dining on premises, either at our tables if weather permits or in your car if it doesn’t) BUT…
We also, for some time now, offer the convenience of ordering takeout or delivery, so that if you don’t ever even want to THINK about lines or the weather, you really don’t have to anymore.
The preferred way is for you to place your order directly through our website, which always has the most up-to-date food menu because, yes, we do specials, both of the hot food and cold food variety. OR…
If you’re more of an “app person” we have you covered there, too. Grab our free app here.
Either method offers you the convenience of takeout or delivery as options.
Should you order takeout, there’s no waiting in line where we take the orders. (*angels sing Hallelujah*) Instead, you’d go directly to the Food Pickup Window, which is located to the right of the building if you’re facing front. Easy, right?
And lest we forget…
If you just want to stock up on Joe’s Dairy Bar & Grill’s designer dessert goodness, you totally can, both by takeout and delivery as well. Hard ice cream, soft serve, the works!

Your options are on the food menu, which we update daily, and special Soft Serve Flavors of the Week and Dole options can change, well, weekly.
Plus hard flavors of ice cream that are more seasonal will be more small batch and available for a limited time, of course, so you’ll want to check back in with us weekly.
During normal business hours, there’s always one or more staff members that are happy to answer telephone queries at 845-221-0488 or…
If you love social media more than traditional telephone calls, we’re super on our inboxes so go ahead, send us a message via Facebook Messenger or DM us on Instagram.
Insider Tip: If you want to order cakes, pies, JDB Originals and/or pints or quarts of our ice cream, you totally can do that via social media messages and/or telephone for optimal convenience.
We’re there for you, and welcome to the JDB Family!